Professional skills for engineering the third industrial revolution
Course description
我們生活在一個前所未有的變化時期,人類文明的生存受到威脅。在一世代,即你們,親愛的千禧一代,將不得不實施第三次工業革命,以恢復生物圈的整體性與生物地球化學之流動,以及扭轉氣候和陸地系統的變化(Rifkin 2001; Steffen et al。2015)。此外,你將需要定義身為人類的意義與重新定義自由和民主、辯論與介紹基因工程、人工智慧、數據所有權、社交媒體和隱私之倫理或規範。同時管理地緣政治轉變的緊張局勢,照顧人口老齡化,放棄失落的城市。你覺得你了解這個世界且準備好了嗎?
身為工程師,我們有責任和特權透過這些需求大量之歲月為人類做出貢獻。我們建立了不可永續,以化石燃料為主之集中能源系統、以汽車為主的交通系統,與第二此工業革命時代的電信系統。現在是時候該建立一個可再生分散能源系統、共享自治交通系統和第三次工業革命時期之網路實體通訊系統。 任何不能內轉變的社會,不僅會危及我們所有人的生存,在一世代還會因舊系統的生產率和轉換效率的限製而失去競爭力。在此課程中,我們會著重於機械工程,從工程師之角度一起看一切挑戰、現今之體系與發展、未來之願景與預測。本課程之將聚焦在介紹能幫助你們成功地建造未來以及在未來生存,但機械工程部門目前尚未考慮到的事實,想法,技能和關鍵分析方法。
為了達到此目標,你需要了解今天的世界如何運作,並發展專業與個人技能。根據Korte教授在三個美國組織(一家全球汽車製造公司,一家電腦零組件製造商與一家政府運輸機構)執行之研究,20-50%之新鮮人在24個 月內辭職,主要因素皆跟他們被配置之團隊有關,如人際關係,合作能力、指導、容忍度、領導立和指派任務。(Korte et al。2015)。
Course Objectives
Theme 1 - “A world of facts, challenges, and ideas”
- Know the current world demographics
- Ability to use demographics to explain engineering needs
- Understand planetary boundaries and the current state
- Understand how the current economic system fails to distribute resources
- Be familiar with future visions and their implications, such as artificial intelligence
Theme 2 - “Personal health, happiness, and society”
- Understand how data and engineering enable a healthier life
- Know that social relationships gives a 50% increased likelihood of survival
- Be familiar with depression and mental health issues
- Know the optimal algorithm for finding a partner for life
Theme 3 - “Professional skills to success”
- Develop a custom of questioning claims to avoid “fake news”
- Be able to do basic analysis and interpretation of time series data
- Experience of collaborative and problem-based learning
- Understand that professional success depends on social skills
- Know that the culture of the workplace affect performance
Teaching Strategies
How this course is going to be taught
- Lecture 15%
- Discussion 14%
- Group Project 40%
- Video/Music Appreciation 30%
Course material
Mainly videos of talks given by visionary leaders and bright intellectuals and documentaries (see the references for a partial list). A few journal articles and books are also recommended (see the references).
Course outline
- What will our world look like?
- What does our world look like?
- How to check facts and give sources?
- How does the financial system work?
- Why does extremism flourish?
- How to live healthy?
- How to handle depression?
- How to choose happiness/fulfilment?
- How does the legal system work?
- How to stay connected and free?
- How to make sense of events?
- Planetary boundaries
- Why a third industrial revolution?
- How to succeed?
- How to solve our problems?
- How to make a difference?
- How to find the best partner?
- Why is surveillance your problem?
- Korte, R. et al. (Mis)Interpretations of Organizational Socialization: The Expectations and Experiences of Newcomers and Managers. Human Resource development quarterly, 26(2), 185-208, (2015). DOI: 10.1002/hrdq.21206
- Steffen, W. et al., 2015. Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science, 347(6223), pp.1259855–1259855. Available at:
- Rifkin, J., 2011. The Third Industrial Revolution, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Werner, R., 2003. Princes of the Yen: Japan’s Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy, Routledge.
- Harari, Y.N., 2017. Homo deus: a brief history of tomorrow 1st English edt., Harper.
- Morris, I., 2011. Why the West Rules—for Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future Reprint., Picador.
- O’Neil, C., 2016. Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy, Crown Random House. Available at:
- Raworth, K., 2017. Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist, Chelsea Green Publishing.
- Pinker, S., 2018. Enlightenment now: the case for reason, science, humanism, and progress 1st Ed., Viking.
- Jordan, M.I., 2018. Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet. Medium. Available at:
- Purdy, M. & Daugherty, P., 2016. Why artificial intelligence is the future of growth, Available at:
- Holt-Lunstad, J., Smith, T.B. & Layton, J.B., 2010. Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review C. Brayne, ed. PLoS Medicine, 7(7), p. e1000316. Available at:
- Dalio, R., 2010. A Template for Understanding What’s Going On, New York City, New York, USA.
- Provost, F. & Fawcett, T., 2013. Data Science for Business 1st ed., Sebastopol, USA: O’Reilly Media, Inc. Available at:
- Good, P.I. & Hardin, J.W., 2006. Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them), Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley\& Sons, Inc. Available at:
- Wasserman, L., 2004. All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference, Springer.
- Abu-Mostafa, Y.S., Magdon-Ismail, M. & Lin, H.-T., 2012. Learning From Data, Available at:
- “97% Owned”, directed by Michael Oswald, produced by Mike Horwath, 2012,
- “Princes of the Yen”, directed by Michael Oswald, 2014,
- “The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire”, directed by Michael Oswald, produced by John Christensen, 2017,
- “Strawman – The Nature of The Cage”, directed by John K. Webster, 2015,
- “FOUR HORSEMEN”, directed by Ross Ashcroft, Renegade Inc., 2012,
Course policy
- GIT repository for sharing text files and code
- Google drive for sharing presentations and other material
- Nordling Lab – ProfSkills web page
- NCKU curriculum catalogue
- Google sheets for signing up and reviewing scores