Anna Chu 朱盈柔, B.B.A.

Title: Lab AdministratorDuration: 2020-07-01 to presentAcademic affiliation: N/A Ying-Rou “Anna” Chu is the lab administrator in the Nordling Lab. She obtained her Bachelor degree (2014) in the Department of Shipping and Transportation Management from...

Winnie Tu 杜宛蓉, M.B.A.

Title: Lab AdministratorDuration: 2019-09-02 to presentAcademic affiliation: N/A Wan-Jung “Winnie” Tu is the lab administrator in the Nordling Lab. She obtained her Bachelor degree (2014) and Master’s degree (2016) in the Department of Shipping and...

Laudes Centurion 杜思孟

Title: Undergraduate StudentDuration: 2019-11-12 to presentAcademic affiliation: Bachelor Student, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Laudes Centurion is an undergraduate student at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National...

Gavin Vivaldy 周偉斌, B.Sc.

Title: Graduate StudentDuration: 2020-03-02 to presentAcademic affiliation: Master Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Gavin Vivaldy is a master student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National Cheng Kung...

Hsi-Wei Chou 周錫緯

Title: Undergraduate StudentDuration: 2019-12-09 to presentAcademic affiliation: Bachelor Student, Dept. of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University Hsi-Wei Chou is an undergraduate student at the Department of Statistics & Dept. of Economics at the National...