Title: Lab AdministratorDuration: 2020-07-01 to presentAcademic affiliation: N/A Ying-Rou “Anna” Chu is the lab administrator in the Nordling Lab. She obtained her Bachelor degree (2014) in the Department of Shipping and Transportation Management from...
Title: Lab AdministratorDuration: 2019-09-02 to presentAcademic affiliation: N/A Wan-Jung “Winnie” Tu is the lab administrator in the Nordling Lab. She obtained her Bachelor degree (2014) and Master’s degree (2016) in the Department of Shipping and...
Title: Undergraduate StudentDuration: 2019-11-12 to presentAcademic affiliation: Bachelor Student, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Laudes Centurion is an undergraduate student at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National...
Title: Graduate StudentDuration: 2020-03-02 to presentAcademic affiliation: Master Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Gavin Vivaldy is a master student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National Cheng Kung...
Title: Undergraduate StudentDuration: 2019-12-09 to presentAcademic affiliation: Bachelor Student, Dept. of Statistics, National Cheng Kung University Hsi-Wei Chou is an undergraduate student at the Department of Statistics & Dept. of Economics at the National...